Insulation Service


United Safety Services in Pittsburgh, PA, is committed to providing exceptional energy-saving insulation options to all commercial and industrial customers. We match the best insulation product and fit your equipment, facility, or need. We’ll also remove any old interior or exterior air duct insulation.

Don’t Take a Risk With Your Insulation Needs

We’re proud of our 70-year history, and we’re happy that we’re still going strong. Unfortunately, your insulation probably can’t say the same. Insulation breaks down over time and becomes less efficient as time goes on. As insulation deteriorates, it often crumbles, creating a mess that manifests as mysterious dirt on your flat surfaces, such as desktops, workbenches, countertops, or beds. If your system has any interior insulation, that decayed insulation is being introduced to your airstream and could be inhaled.

In addition to the fact that technological improvements have increased the efficiency and heat retention of today’s insulation, older insulation forces your system to run harder to compensate for the inefficiency. This impacts the rest of your system, resulting in higher utility and upkeep. 

Don’t despair - you have options! We can replace damaged interior insulation, or in many cases, we can help you save it. We use a method called Encapsulation that allows us to “paint” your interior insulation with a product that rejuvenates your insulation, halting any deterioration. Additional benefits include an antimicrobial that prevents any bacterial or fungal growth in your system.   

Don’t Take a Risk With Your Insulation Needs

We’re proud of our 70-year history, and we’re happy that we’re still going strong. Unfortunately, your insulation probably can’t say the same. Insulation breaks down over time and becomes less efficient as time goes on. As insulation deteriorates, it often crumbles, creating a mess that manifests as mysterious dirt on your flat surfaces, such as desktops, workbenches, countertops, or beds. If your system has any interior insulation, that decayed insulation is being introduced to your airstream and could be inhaled.

In addition to the fact that technological improvements have increased the efficiency and heat retention of today’s insulation, older insulation forces your system to run harder to compensate for the inefficiency. This impacts the rest of your system, resulting in higher utility and upkeep. 

Don’t despair - you have options! We can replace damaged interior insulation, or in many cases, we can help you save it. We use a method called Encapsulation that allows us to “paint” your interior insulation with a product that rejuvenates your insulation, halting any deterioration. Additional benefits include an antimicrobial that prevents any bacterial or fungal growth in your system. 

We’ll Keep You Running at Peak Efficiency!

Allow us to “insulate” you from the pain of dealing with older insulation. We can tell you if a system is worth saving or if we have a solution to help you deal with deteriorated insulation and the problems it creates. One of the most consistent problems in any ductwork system is the possible breakdown or deterioration of the old interior insulation. Also, because of repeated humidity and temperature changes and various other factors, your air handler or ductwork may need to be replaced with updated, energy-efficient options.

Give United Safety Services a call today to discuss your insulation needs. We’ve been thriving for 70-plus years, and we’d love to make you our next satisfied customer.

Give Us A Call

Why wait any longer? Request a free quote at 412-276-8488!

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